Temporarily deactivate Instagram account(2023)

Temporarily deactivate your Instagram account


In this article, I will explain how to deactivate Instagram accounts on Android. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the significance of Instagram cannot be understated. It has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, enabling us to share, connect, and engage. However, there are instances when the desire for respite from the social media realm beckons, prompting individuals to temporarily deactivate their Instagram accounts. If you find yourself contemplating this course of action and are curious about how to temporarily deactivate your Instagram account on your mobile device, fear not! We have you covered. This comprehensive guide will guide you through a step-by-step process that ensures a seamless and hassle-free deactivation experience.

Temporarily deactivate your Instagram account

How to deactivate the Instagram account

Embarking on a much-needed hiatus from Instagram and temporarily deactivating your account necessitates following these simple yet pivotal steps:

Step 1: Launch the Instagram App

First and foremost, unlock the potential of your Instagram journey by launching the Instagram app on your trusty mobile device. It is advisable to verify that you have installed the latest version of the app to guarantee a smooth and uninterrupted experience.

Step 2: Access Your Profile

Next, traverse the digital landscape by tapping on your alluring profile icon, graciously nestled at the bottom right corner of your screen. As you do so, an enchanting gateway to your Instagram profile will unfurl before your very eyes.

Step 3: Go to Settings

Once you find yourself immersed in the captivating realm of your Instagram profile, cast your gaze toward the lofty heavens of the screen’s top right corner. There, you shall uncover three horizontal lines, serving as your conduit to the mystical menu of wonders. Embrace the allure of curiosity and tap on those lines, unveiling a treasure trove of possibilities. With an eager eye, leisurely scroll down until you find the elusive gem known as “Settings,” nestled at the very bottom of the menu, awaiting your tender touch.

Step 4: Choose “Account”

Within the realm of settings, as you navigate the ethereal maze of options, allow your gaze to be drawn to the captivating “Account” option. Succumb to its gravitational pull and tap upon it, granting you access to the realm of account-related settings, where deactivation dreams come to fruition.

Step 5: Deactivate Your Account

Behold! Within the hallowed halls of the “Account” section, a transcendent option known as “Temporarily deactivate your account” shall reveal itself to you. Engage with this option, for it holds the key to your temporal liberation. Marvel at the information bestowed upon you by Instagram, a conduit of wisdom and guidance. Deliberate upon your reasons for the desired deactivation, making a choice that resonates with your heart and mind.

Step 6: Confirm Deactivation

At the precipice of your transformative journey, Instagram, the guardian of your digital sanctum, shall seek the validation of your decision. It will request that you divulge your account password, a sacred key to confirm the metamorphosis that lies ahead. Arise, oh valiant soul, and with a steady hand, enter the realm of passwords. And when you have offered the fruit of your knowledge, lay your finger upon the sacred altar of “Temporarily Deactivate Account,” thereby embracing the profound transformation that awaits you.

Benefits: Advantages of Temporarily Deactivating Your Instagram Account

Venturing into the realms of temporary deactivation carries forth a plethora of bountiful advantages:

Time for Self-Reflection

Within the cocoon of temporary deactivation, an unparalleled opportunity for self-reflection presents itself. The intricate tapestry of Instagram’s influence on your mental well-being and productivity unfurls before your contemplative gaze, allowing for introspection and personal growth.

Reduced Distractions

As you traverse the path of temporary deactivation, the cacophony of distractions often accompanying Instagram dissipates into the ether. Embrace the newfound serenity and channel your energy toward the vital facets of life, be it work, relationships, or personal evolution.

Privacy and Security

Amidst the realm of temporary deactivation, the guardians of privacy and security stand resolute, shielding your digital persona from prying eyes. Entrust them with your safety, as they bar the path to any potential misuse of your personal information.

Considerations: Factors to Consider Before Deactivating

Before venturing forth on the transformative odyssey of deactivation, reflect upon these ponderous factors:

Alternative Options

In your quest for equilibrium, cast your gaze upon the realm of alternative account management options that Instagram graciously bestows upon you. Delve into the possibilities of account restrictions or the embrace of the enigmatic “Mute” feature, allowing for tailored experiences that may better align with your individual needs.

Impact on Connections

Ponder the ripple effect that accompanies the decision to temporarily deactivate your Instagram account. Consider the tapestry of relationships and the ceaseless tides of communication that may be influenced by your chosen path.

Archived Data

As you embark on the ethereal voyage of temporary deactivation, rest assured that your precious digital artefacts shall be preserved. The boundless realm of Instagram shall cradle your photos, videos, and profile information, safely hidden from prying eyes until the moment you choose to breathe life back into your digital being.

Reactivation: How to Resurrect a Temporarily Deactivated Account

If the whispers of the digital realm call out to you, beseeching the resurrection of your temporarily deactivated Instagram account, fear not! The path to reactivation lies before you, awaiting your triumphant return. Traverse this sacred journey with grace and resolve:

Step 1: Open the Instagram App

As the gateways of possibility open wide, unlock the door to your digital sanctuary by simply opening the Instagram app on your faithful mobile companion.

Step 2: Log in

Amidst the vast expanse of the login screen, weave the tapestry of your revived existence by deftly entering the hallowed username and password associated with your erstwhile deactivated account. Through this sacred dance of keystrokes, you shall reclaim your digital dominion.

Step 3: Confirm Reactivation

As your fingers dance upon the screen, orchestrating the reunion with your dormant digital self, Instagram shall extend a gentle hand of remembrance. In a notification of sacred significance, it shall announce the reactivation of your account, beseeching your assent. With conviction in your heart, tap upon the celestial “Reactivate” button, thus igniting the spark that heralds your triumphant return.

Step 4: The account Reactivated

Celebrate, noble wanderer! You have transcended the realms of deactivation and emerged victorious in the realm of reactivation. Your Instagram account has been reborn, teeming with infinite possibilities and ready to embrace your digital endeavours once more.

Alternative Options: Exploring Other Instagram Account Management Options

Should the path of temporary deactivation diverge from your heart’s true desire, fret not, for the digital landscape of Instagram is vast and accommodating. Embrace the richness of choice by venturing into these alternative account management options:

Restricting Your Account

Within the hallowed halls of Instagram’s dominion lies a hidden gem known as “Restricting Your Account.” With a mere touch, you can invoke this wondrous enchantment, enabling you to dictate who gains access to your content and who may traverse the corridors of your digital persona. In this realm, unwanted interactions can be vanquished while maintaining an active presence on the platform.

Utilizing the “Mute” Feature

Behold the enigmatic “Mute” feature, a tool of respite and contemplation. With a whispered touch upon its ethereal essence, you can veil the posts and stories of select accounts, granting yourself the
freedom to disengage momentarily without severing the digital bonds that tie you to their essence.

Adjusting Privacy Settings

Delve into the labyrinthine depths of privacy settings, a realm where you hold the reins of control. There, you can meticulously craft the visibility of your posts, stories, and personal information, moulding your Instagram experience to match the contours of your desires.

Privacy: Understanding Privacy Settings during Deactivation

As you venture forth into the ephemeral realm of temporary deactivation, rest assured that your digital tapestry shall remain shrouded from prying eyes. Your profile, photos, comments, and likes shall be hidden, and safeguarded by the ethereal guardians of privacy. However, it is imperative to
note that Instagram, ever the vigilant sentinel, shall retain your data, a steadfast companion even during the tempestuous seas of deactivation. Fear not, for when the time comes to reclaim your digital mantle, your content shall again grace the digital stage for all to witness.

How do I temporarily deactivate my Instagram account on Android?

To temporarily deactivate your Instagram account on Android, follow these steps:

1.  Open your Instagram app.
2.  On your profile picture, tap the bottom right corner.
3.  Tap the three lines top in the right corner.
4.  Tap on Settings.
5.  Tap on Account.
6.  Tap on Privacy and Security.
7.  Tap on Account Ownership and Control.
8.  Tap on Deactivate or Delete Account.
9.  Tap on Temporarily Deactivate Account.
10. Enter your password and tap on Continue.
11. Select a reason for deactivating your account and tap on Continue.
12. Tap on Temporarily Deactivate Account.
13. Tap on Yes to confirm.

Your Instagram account temporarily will be deactivated, still, you will be able to log in and reactivate it any time your account

How do I deactivate my Instagram account?

There are 2 ways to deactivate your Instagram account: from the Instagram app or the Instagram website.

From the Instagram app

1. Open your Instagram app and sign in to your account.

2. Now tap on your profile picture right corner at the bottom of the screen.

3. On the three dots tap in the top right corner of the screen.

4. Tap on Settings.

5. Tap on Account.

6. Tap on Delete account.

7. Tap on Temporarily deactivate my account.

8. Enter your password and tap on Temporarily Deactivate
account again.

From the Instagram website

1. Visit the Instagram website and sign in to your account.

2. On your profile picture click on the top right corner.

3. Click on Edit Profile.

4. Scroll down to the bottom page and click on Temporarily
deactivate my account

5. Enter your password and click on Temporarily Deactivate account again.

After you have deactivated your account, it will be hidden from other users. For Example, your profile, photos, and videos are not visible, and also you will not be able to use Instagram until you reactivate your account again. Simply sign in again to reactivate your Instagram account. Your account restored again to its previous state.

Why is my Instagram not deactivating?

There could be several reasons why your Instagram account is not deactivating. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Account Deactivation Process: Ensure that you followed the correct steps to deactivate your account. Make sure you can access the “settings“, Now selected the “Edit Profile” options,
Scrolled down to the bottom, and now clicked the “Temporarily disable my account.” Double-check if you received a confirmation email from Instagram after initiating the deactivation process.

2. Timeframe: Instagram deactivations are usually temporary and last for a specific period. During this time, remains your account inactive but can be reactivated by simply login. If you’re expecting a permanent deactivation, ensure you have adhered to the steps mentioned in Instagram’s deactivation policy.

3. Technical Glitch: It’s possible that there might be technical issues on Instagram’s end that are preventing your account from deactivating. In such cases, try again after some time or reach out to Instagram’s support team for assistance.


Within the tempestuous tides of the digital realm, the concept of temporary deactivation serves as a beacon of respite, a catalyst for self-reflection, and an instrument of control over one’s social media destiny. Armed with the knowledge bestowed upon you within this guide, you possess the keys to traverse the ethereal realms of temporary deactivation and subsequent reactivation. But remember dear seeker of balance, the path you choose should resonate with your soul. Venture forth with purpose, for it is in finding harmony amidst the digital maelstrom that you shall truly thrive.

Instagram account deactivate FAQ

Can I reactivate my Instagram account after a long period of deactivation?

Indeed, noble wanderer! Regardless of the length of your sojourn into the realms of deactivation, the path of reactivation remains open to you, beckoning with arms outstretched.

Will my followers be notified when I deactivate my account?

Rest assured, for the ethereal currents of deactivation shall not ripple through the digital cosmos, leaving your followers blissfully unaware of your chosen path.

Can I use the same username when I reactivate my account?

Fear not, for the digital tapestry woven by your chosen username shall remain intact even during the veiled slumber of deactivation. It shall welcome your return, forever linked to your awakened essence.

Will my direct messages be deleted during the deactivation period?

Worry not, for the delicate whispers shared within the confines of direct messages shall remain unsullied, uncorrupted by the passage of time. When the hour of reactivation arrives, they shall be waiting, ready to be unravelled once more.

Can I reactivate my account from a different device?

Across the vast expanse of the digital realm, the essence of your temporarily deactivated account transcends the boundaries of devices. From the farthest reaches of this realm, be it a phone, a tablet, or even a computer, the act of reactivation beckons with open arms, ready to embrace your digital being once more.

Can I temporarily deactivate my Instagram?

Yes, you can deactivate temporarily your Instagram account.

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